7. Projekt-Meeting (EUV / Collegium Polnicum)
On 11th February 2022 the seventh meeting of the project team took place. The meeting aimed at presenting and discussing the results of the conducted analysis and the conceptual assumptions of the research areas developed by the individual teams. The project meeting took place in the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice with financial support from the Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies (VCGS) and the Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion.
6. Projekt-Meeting
On 4th November 2021 the sixth meeting of the project team took place. The meeting aimed at discussing the preliminary results of the analysis of the empirical material from the conducted interviews. The meeting was held in an online format.
Presentation of the project (Senate Hall of the European University Viadrina)
On 8th October 2021 Prof. Dorota Piontek and Dr. Artur Kopka presented and discussed the approaches as well as the preliminary results of the project on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Board of the German-Polish Science Foundation (GPSF) within the framework of the presentation of selected research projects of the European University Viadrina funded by the GPSF. Program
5. Projekt-Meeting
On 17th November 2020 the third meeting of the project team took place. The objectives of the workshop were, among others:
4. Projekt-Meeting (EUV / Stephanssaal)
On 24th September 2020 the third meeting of the project team took place. The objectives of the workshop were, among others:
3. Projekt-Meeting
On 10th July 2020 the third meeting of the project team took place. The objectives of the workshop were, among others:
2. Projekt-Meeting
On 22th Mai 2020 the second meeting of the project team took place. The objectives of the workshop were, among others:
1. Kick-Off-Meeting
On 24th April 2020 the first meeting of the project team took place. The objectives of the workshop were, among others: